Floating In Space – Podcast with Nursepreneur founder Catie Harris

Gwen Jewell is a nurse who saw an opportunity. After leading her hospital initiative to reduce pressure ulcers, Gwen discovered 3 critical factors that were leading to musculoskeletal injuries, ergonomic issues for caregivers and a lack of support of the patient's body. Gwen took home a wedge and a fishing knife and began designing.
For 3 years, Gwen worked on the perfect wedge for patients. Her passion for creating the perfect wedge is a personal one as well. Gwen's brother has a spinal cord injury, and she wanted to find something that was perfect for him.
In all of her research and with the help of her brother, she discovered how to get patients feeling like they were "floating in space" with the perfectly angled wedge.
Find out how she was able to create this company in this episode.